
Pure collaborates with Mills & Reeve LLP to host its first ever HR Energy Event

Pure joined forces with Mills & Reeve LLP to host its first ever HR Energy Event, on Wednesday 6th December at Mills & Reeve’s office in Norwich.

Led by James Kidd, Partner in Employment Law at Mills & Reeve and Becky Wilson, Senior Managing Consultant at Pure, HR Energy is a forum for HR professionals in Norfolk to learn, share and debate the latest thinking on people and leadership strategies.      

Attended by forty-five people, the theme for the inaugural event was leadership, focussing on how HR professionals can help to shape and develop authentic leaders, crucial to business success, within their organisation. A key area of discussion was the leadership approach most effective in inspiring and motivating an increasingly diverse workforce and which continues to engage employees as evolving technology changes the way they work.

The group were delighted to welcome Caroline Rust, owner of Workshops Work, who ran an interactive session sharing the top trends which are shaping leadership development practices. She inspired delegates to think about how they could develop leadership programmes for 2018, and beyond, through recruitment and in-house leadership programmes. 

Becky Wilson said “HR professionals know that having strong leaders in their organisations is crucial for success. It was very interesting to hear the discussion on how different types of leaders are needed in our changing world.”

The feedback from the event was extremely positive with delegates thanking Pure and Mills & Reeve for coming up with the initiative, and confirming that it had provided them with tangible ideas to take back to their workplace.

The next HR Energy Event will take place on Wednesday 28th February 2018, with guest speaker David D’Souza, Head of Engagement for CIPD.  Further information and booking details will be available in the New Year.

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Written by

Becky Wilson

As a Business Director, Becky has over 25 years’ recruitment experience. She joined Pure in 2010, and specialises in recruiting HR professionals at all levels across Norfolk. Becky also co-founded HR Energy, which provides networking and training opportunities to HR professionals.

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