
Pure Resourcing Solutions Achieves Investors in People Silver Award

On Tuesday March 4th Investors in People (IIP) accredited Pure Resourcing Solutions (Pure) with its prestigious Silver Award, calling the firm a “rewarding and positive place to work”.

With offices in Cambridge, Chelmsford, Ipswich and Norwich, Pure is the only recruitment business in the East of England to have been awarded silver accreditation, according to the latest IIP records.

Investors in People is a management framework for high performance through people. This prestigious accreditation is recognised across the world as a mark of excellence. The IIP assessment recognised Pure as an organisation with a strong vision and purpose, operating within a “supportive” and “empowering” culture. Pure’s strengths were identified as:   involving staff in planning and strategy; creating a culture of openness and trust; a strong social responsibility ethos; an openness to new ideas and continuous improvement; and the provision of a range of work-life balance solutions. These have all created a proud and committed workforce.

Gill Buchanan, Director of Pure, says: “The national IIP Silver Award means a great deal to us as it demonstrates that the relationships we have with our people enables them to build the long-term, positive relationships with our clients and candidates.  

“In recent years, we have been very focused on employee engagement, which has enabled us to grow with our values at the heart of the business,” explains Lynn Walters, also a Director at Pure and a co-founder of the Best Employer initiative. She adds: “We have awarded many local organisations for their excellent engagement strategies, and it feels very rewarding to receive the IIP Silver accreditation, which tells us that our own engagement practices are very successful.”

Pure has been working with an IIP specialist from EMB Excellence Ltd (emb-x), the organisation that delivers the IIP service for central England. 

Neil Farish, Head of Marketing for emb-x, says: "Pure is a strong business that is professionally managed by directors who strongly believe in the value of developing people and creating an open, honest and positive working environment. Pure is a good example of an IIP organisation in that they clearly see the business benefits of embedding key values that support future success."

Pure is succeeding in digital staff engagement too. The firm has just won the first annual Jostle Award for its vibrant and engaging intranet, which celebrates its people, and reflects its knowledge and values. The firm’s intranet receives an enviable 80% or more engagement level each week.

For more information about Pure’s IIP Silver Award and its Jostle Award, contact Gill Buchanan on 01223 209888 or

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